
Zynga | Software Engineer | Aug 2022 – Mar 2024

C# | Unity

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Client-side feature development and full stack tools for Zynga Poker

Cross-team collaboration across art, live-operations, and new feature teams


Eliminated major bottleneck in over-the-air content delivery by parallelizing asset uploads (15x speed-up); added live-ops monitoring dashboard for tracking bundles

Built out leaderboards, lobby ui implementation, and table hud UI work for a monopoly-style game tied to the progression of Poker hands for new Quest For The Chest bold-beat

Developed auto-spin mechanic for new table slots minigame, as well as table hand interaction, lobby/table UI, first time user flows, and for new Rose's Royal Slots bold-beat

Design, developed, and iterated on a generic badging system for actively boosted features in the game for new DroppableBoosts bold-beat

Implemented dynamic 'active boost' profile menu and a new buy page bonus carousel

Quest For The Chest

General game shot – Challenges hub

General game shot – stake selector for cash tables

General game shot – buy page

Rose’s Royal Slots (Table slots minigame for eligible cash tables)

General game shot – lobby

General game shot – cash table